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Max Altitude: 5,125m
Walking Per Day: 5-7 Hours
Group Size: 7-16 
Land Only Package
Accommodation: Hotels and Teahouses
Moderate / Hard Difficulty
13 Trekking Days - 19 Days Total
Bespoke Only
£300 deposit to secure your place
Final balance paid 8 weeks before departure
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Manaslu Circuit Trek

Our adventure will start in the bustling capital, Kathmandu before making our way via private bus to the start of our trail in the heart of the Himalaya. This remote mountain trek will see us hiking along an ancient salt-trading route, whilst witnessing the wild rapids of the Bhuri Gandhaki River. Enjoy the splendour of pine, bamboo and rhododendron forests, explore monasteries and experience the culture of this diverse region. We will climb many times higher than any mountain here in the UK and witness views that you wouldn’t ever be able to conjure up in your imagination. We will of course see Manaslu, the mountain of Spirit, amongst other peaks as we enjoy 13 days of trekking in this remote region. Once back in Kathmandu you will of course get a chance to explore the markets, buy some souvenirs or simply relax your weary feet. A celebratory meal will round off our trip of a lifetime. 



Days 0 & 1 are spent leaving the UK and arriving in Kathmandu. Upon our arrival we are transported to our deluxe accommodation.

Day 2 is spent finalising documents and our kit before enjoying a sightseeing tour of Kathmandu.

Day 3  An 8 hour drive from Kathmandu to Arughat. Alt.570m 

On Day 4 Trek to Soti Khola – We follow the Buri Gandaki river northwards, climbing to  Keurenipani before descending down to Soti Khola.  Alt 730m.  5-6 hours walking. 

Day 5 Trek to Machha Khola – After crossing a bridge we climb to a ridge above the rapids of the Buri Gadaki. The trail now gets a bit more challenging, especially when we cross a stream on a single log bridge. The trail follows the undulating banks of the river before heading up a steep slope to the Gurung village of Labishe. More challenging trail ahead, but topped with amazing bridges and views of waterfalls. Alt.930. 6-8 hours walking.

Day 6 Trek to Jagat – Another challenging day of crossing broad  ridges, scree slopes and ravines. More suspension bridges await, as well as stone structures and trailside teahouses. Alt 1,440m. 6-8 hours walking.

Day 7  Trek to Deng – This day boasts excellent views of Shringi Himal (7,187m) and also an area of increased Tibetan influence. Alt.1,860m. 7 Hours Walking.

We spend Day 8 Trekking to Namrung – A day spent climbing high above the river, passing intricate mani walls, which all concludes with a long climb up through the beautiful rhododendron forests. Hopefully on this day we will also see some grey Langur monkeys!  Alt. 2,540m. 7 hours walking.

Day 9 Trek to Lho – A shorter day to aid our acclimatisation, but one that makes you feel like you are getting into the heart of the Himalaya as we enjoy vistas of Ganesh Himal, Kutang Himal and now Manaslu. In the afternoon we may choose to visit Ribang Gompa, as well as exploring the stupas, mani walls and kani gateway. Alt. 3,020m. 4 hours walking.

On Day 10  Trek to Sama Gompa – A day of trekking through rock strewn terrain and lush pastures to a traditional Tibetan villages. Again a shorter day to aid acclimatisation and provide some relief for the legs. More epic views of Manaslu.  Alt. 3,450m. 4 hours walking.  

Day 11 Trek to Somdu – Another shorter day, but no less beautiful! Alt. 3,860. 4 Hours walking.

Day 12 Rest Day  at Somdu – Our first rest day after over a week of walking, and also a vital acclimatisation day.  Take the chance to rest the feet, sort kit and experience life in a remote Himalayan village.

Day 13 Trek to Duwang – The aim of this day is to get ourselves to the base of the Larkya La Pass. We will experience the trail climbing through tundra and juniper, and will also lay our eyes on the sensational Larkya Glacier which leads from Manaslu. Alt. 4,550m. 4 hours walking.

Day 14 Trek across the Larkya La (5,125m) to Bimthang -  An early start is required for this challenging day. Steep climbs, slopes scattered with moraine, snow and ice. We will trek to our highest point, the Larkya La at 5,125m. A day to savour for sure, especially as we see Himlung Himal (7126m), Cheo Himal (6820m), Gyaji Kung (7030m), Kang Guru (6981m) and Annapurna II (7937). A long descent takes us to our next overnight stop at Bimthang. Alt.3,590m. 8 hours walking.

Day 15 Trek to Dharapani – With the crux of the route complete, we spend the day mostly descending. We drop to the headwaters of the a glacial stream, the Dudh Khola and begin to follow this. Enjoyable and good trails are walked, and the day is culminated with a long suspension bridge. Alt.1,860m. 8 hours walking.

Day 16 Trek to Jagat – Our final day of trekking sees us join the more popular Annapurna circuit. We follow this section of the route in reverse and we pass through the steepest section of the Marsyangdi gorge. Alt. 1,430m. 6 hours walking. 

Day 17 Drive to Ngadi and then on to Kathmandu.

Day 18 Rest & Recovery – A day to enjoy Kathmandu once again. There is plenty to do, or a few nice places to go just to relax. We will round off the trip with a celebratory meal in Kathmandu.  

Day 19 A final day to pick up those souvenirs if there is time for you before your flight home.  

Day 0 is the travel day you'll likely need in order to get to Kathmandu by the listed expedition start date. 

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Manaslu Circuit Trek



Inc Man
  • Internal Transfers 

  • All Accommodation throughout, inclusive of high spec accommodation in Kathmandu

  • All food on the trek, and breakfasts in Kathmandu

  • Trekking Permits

  • Trekking Staff, including English speaking Nepali Guides

  • Experienced LMG Trek Manager

  • Medical Kit and Portable Altitude Chamber carried on the expedition

  • Team t-shirt & Duffel Bag

  • International Flights from your destination country 

  • Personal Trekking Insurance - To cover trekking to over 5,125m. This is mandatory to join us on a trip. 

  • Non-Emergency Helicopter Flights

  • Tips for the trekking team (Roughly £100)

  • Lunches and Dinners outside of the trekking phase

  • Nepal Entry Visa £50

  • Souvenirs

  • Additional food and beverages

  • Communications / Charging cost (Wifi / Sim Card)

  • Personal trekking kit (Boots,rucksacks etc)

  • Services and Accommodation not included in the planned itinerary. 


Why the Manaslu Circuit?

The Manaslu circuit is without a doubt one of the best trekking circuits on offer in Nepal. Although not new, it is one of the newer circuits and as such is less developed (and commercial) than some of the popular trade names such as Everest Base Camp and the Annapurna Circuit. Each and every day provides some fantastic views, plus you get the opportunity to test yourself at over 5000m, but not for too long, making the trek a little less arduous than some. 

What about Altitude Sickness?

Having concerns about AMS is very natural and it unfortunately unpredictable. Even the experienced could struggle to get over 5,000m if they get ill. We have however designed our itinerary to help us best acclimatise. The fitter you are, the less exhausted you'll get, which in turn has an impact on bringing on symptoms of AMS. These points combined with walking slowly, drinking lots and eating well all give you the best possible chance.

How fit do I really need to be and what skills do I require?

The fitter you are the more you will enjoy it, and the more chance you'll have of getting to the top. Being able to complete 2-3 days of big hill walks in the UK is a good gauge that you're ready. You'll find some advice, as well as a free downloadable 12 week training plan on our Fitness Training page.  Matt is also a qualified Personal Trainer so if you want some formal training just get in touch with us via LMG Personal Training

What Technical Kit do I require?

No technical kit is required for this trip. We do however recommend purchasing or renting a high quality sleeping bag that can go to -15 degrees C. 

What about the Food and Accommodation?

The food in Nepal is fab. Expect a lot of rice, noodles and vegetables. If you have specific allergies or dietary requirements it may be worth researching what's on offer before committing. Eating well throughout is key to success on such an expedition. Our accommodation whilst on the trek will be teahouses, apart from 1 nights that will be spent in tents. 

Should you need to leave the expedition early, any additional accommodation costs will need to be covered by you (or depending on the circumstance, your insurance)

Do I require Travel Insurance?

Most certainly. Travelling, let alone adventure travel, can throw up all sorts of incidents or circumstances that need to be covered by insurance otherwise you could face a very hefty bill. As a minimum your insurance must cover the dates of the trip, the altitude you are trekking to and helicopter evacuation. Our recommendation for travel insurance is Campbell Irvine

Do I need any vaccinations?

Possibly! Vaccinations can be costly too and should be taken into consideration when budgeting for your trip. The best thing to do is to approach your Travel Nurse for information. 

What is a non-Emergency Helicopter Flight mentioned in the Exclusions?

This expedition does not rely on an internal plane flight to start the trek, and to return back to Kathmandu, but circumstances may dictate a helicopter is the best use of transport to avoid delays. This cost is not covered by LMG Treks & Expeditions, and you could expect to pay anywhere between £300-£600 per flight depending on the group size. 

Why should I trek with LMG Treks & Expeditions?

For over a decade we've provided fun, educational and safe adventures in the UK through Lakeland Mountain Guides. We've taken our experience and academic education and created a company that has the sole aim of providing amazing, personal adventures abroad. Yes, we're just a small company, but this has two big benefits for you. Firstly, we really appreciate each and every booking we get, and you are not one in a few thousand. Secondly. we're able to, and want to, put the time into helping you get mentally and physically prepared for your adventure. 

We pride ourselves on being compliant to UK Package travel regulation laws, diligent with safety, and environmentally sensitive. What's more is we create our trips with the customer experience, safety and chances of success at the very fore of our minds. We will often add in extra days for acclimatisation or contingency to achieve these three major factors, even if it makes our trips a bit more expensive. 

How do we justify the price of our trips?

There's no doubt about it, if you went online you'd likely find a cheaper alternative, but you can't be certain you're buying a like for like product. We get it, these trips aren't cheap, but there are numerous reasons why the price amounts to what it does. Please click here to read deeper into the reasons why

Are you environmentally responsible?

As a company, although small, we will operate responsibly, giving back where we can. One of our best partnerships is that with Trees4Travel. We will plant 2 trees on the behalf of every booking we get, and we will plant enough trees to offset the travel of our trek manager too. Click here to see our Responsible Tourism Policy

We discourage the use of single use plastics on expedition where possible, and are continually thinking of ways to become even kinder to the planet we operate in. 

More info can be found in our Resources section

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